What is NAD+
As we grow old, the levels of NAD+ in our bodies decline which will affect our regeneration functions, causing the activity of our cells to decline and degeneration of our various bodily functions.
NAD+ supplements cannot be directly absorbed therefore NAD+ supplements are not the best way to replenish NAD+.
Functions of NAD+
- Provides energy to cells
- Increases activity of mitochondria
- Restorations and regenerations of DNA cells
- Supports metabolism
- Activates the life-prolonging protein Sirtuins
- Shuts down age-enhancing genes

Within 15 minutes of oral intake, NMN can reach the blood and swiftly increases the levels of NAD+ , revolutionising the anti-aging and anti-age related diseases science.

What is NMN

250mg NMN
1 capsule of NMN






Factors of Aging
Research shows that the level of NAD+ declines as we grow old. When we reach the age of 30+, the level of NAD+ is half of when we were kids; our ability to create energy in your cells and DNA repair decline, leading our bodies to age.

4 years old
NAD+ content

NAD+ content

NAD+ content

NAD+ content

NAD+ content

NAD+ content
Internal & External Factors of Aging
1. Internal Factors
When we get older, the level of NAD+ in the body decreases, which causes cell aging and lack of energy, and reduces the function of the body's viscera cells, weakens the internal organs, and causes diseases.
2. External Factors
Affected by stressful work, busy lifestyle and environment, we are constantly living under high mental pressure and emotional instable state, this results in our poor sleeping quality and hence further lead to our physical health problems.

NMN research results
The effect of NMN on reversing cellular aging research results have been published in the world's two top scientific journals "Cell" and "Nature", which have attracted enthusiastic attention.
Problems caused by lack of NAD+
- High blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and cardiovascular problems
- Decline of cognitive abilities
- Sagging and dull skin
- Grey hairs and hair loss
- Stress and low mental spirits
- Lack of energy & poor immune system
- Poor sleeping quality
- Digestive system and intestinal disorders
- Decline in liver functions
- Decreased mobility of bones and joints
- Declining Eye Health
Discovery of NMN

In March of 2017

rom 2010 to 2018, Professor Shin-ichiro Imai has worked with top institutions such as Harvard Medical School, University of Washington and Keio University and published his works and findings on renowned medical journals such as ‘Cell’, ‘Nature and Science’ on the anti-aging effects and mechanisms of NMN.
Professor Shin-ichiro Imai pointed out that only two companies in the world right can produce high purity, stable and pure NMN products, and both companies are from Japan, which explains the reason why the price of NMN products from Japan are usually higher.
M’s Premium 15000 NMN is well known for its high quality and is made in Japan.